Rạn nhân tạo và khả năng ứng dụng cho bờ biển Việt Nam

  • Nguyễn Thành Luân


At present, there are many solutions to protect the coast from erosion such as sea dykes, revetments, seawall, detached breakwater…. Detached breakwater reduces wave, erosion, accretion whichs is a relatively comprehensive solution, is appreciated with emerged and submerged form. Structures used are usually prefabricated concrete blocks, paving stones, reefs ... In which Artificial Reefs are multi-purpose structures designed to protect the coast, stimulate the sea ecosystem and tourism development, very suitable for many types of coastal Vietnam, today. The article will provide some initial overview information for research on the application of artificial reefs to protect the coast of Vietnam.

Keywords: artificial reefs, Reefball, Geotube, breakwater, erosion, accretion

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