The Impact of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Study of Thegioididong Stores in Ho Chi Minh City

  • biên tập Ban
  • Nguyễn Đặng Ánh Dương
Keywords: Customer relationship management, Customer satisfaction, Employee behavior, Thegioididong, Ho Chi Minh City.


In the context of fierce competition, customers are considered as the key unique factor for businesses to maintain their position, which requires businesses to constantly invest and strive to satisfy customers through customer relationship management activities. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors of customer relationship management activities and their influence on customer satisfaction for Thegioididong store. The study was carried out based on theoretical foundations, empirical research and actual survey of customers who have used translation at Thegoididong store in Ho Chi Minh City. The results show that factors such as service quality, employee behavior, space of Thegioididong and customer problem solving have positive influences on customer satisfaction. Among them, employee behavior had the strongest impact on customer satisfaction. Based on our findings, some managerial implications were proposed to improve customer satisfaction through CRM activities for Thegioididong store in Ho Chi Minh City.

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