Factors Affecting The Young Consumers’ Decision to Choose E-Wallets of in Hanoi city

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Keywords: E-wallet, choice decision, young consumers, Hanoi


This article focuses on studying the factors affecting the young consumers’ decision to choose an e-wallet in Hanoi. The research model of factors affecting the young consumers’ decision to choose an e-wallet in Hanoi city includes Financial benefits (LT), Perceived risk (RR), Safety and security (AB), Features and technology (CN), Brand image (TH), and Social influence (XH) which affect young consumers' intention to use and decide to choose an e-wallets. The results show four factors including Financial benefits, Feel the risk, Features and technology and Social influence that affect the intention to use and decide to choose an e-wallet. The article will be a useful reference for students, lecturers, researchers and businesses involved in researching, providing and using e-wallet services in Vietnam.

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