Factors Affecting Work Performance of Employees at Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • biên tập Ban
  • Nguyễn Thanh Lâm
  • Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Duyên
Keywords: Work performance, work-family balance, leadership, work from home, employee's gender.


This study identifies the factors affecting employee’s work performance during COVID-19 work from home in Ho Chi Minh City. Based on the literature review, a emprical model of employee's work performance was proposed including six factors affecting work performance of employees during COVID-19 work from home: (1) Work-family balance; (2) Leadership; (3) Working at home; (4) Employee's gender; (5) Concerns about the Covid-19 pandemic; (6) Facilities. The results are consistent with the characteristics and operational situation in Ho Chi Minh City. There is only one factor affecting work performance: Working at home. Based on our findings, the authors suggest some management implications to improve the work performance of employees during COVID-19 work from home in Ho Chi Minh City.

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