Factors Affecting Green Behaviour of Real Estate Enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City

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Keywords: Green behaviour, green psychology, social responsibility, green real estate, environmental standards.


The study used qualitative and quantitative research methods to detect and analyze the factors affecting the green behaviour of real estate businesses in Ho Chi Minh City, including leadership responsibility (β5= 0.291), personal environmental standards (β1= 0.236), social responsibility (β2= 0.205), legal regulations (β3= 0.195), green mentality (β4 = 0.171). From there, based on the current situation and research results, the author proposes solutions to help improve the green behaviour of real estate businesses in Ho Chi Minh City, such as: (i) improving the responsibility of business leaders at all levels; (ii) improving the personal environmental standards of all employees of the enterprise; (iii) strengthening activities to enhance corporate social responsibility; (iv) Propagating and disseminating legal provisions for all enterprises to understand and action; (v) enhancing the formation of a green mentality for all employees and the whole enterprise; (vi) exploring promotion of the ethical idealism of all employees of the enterprise.

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