The Factors Affecting the Satisfaction of Gong Cultural Tourism in the Central Highlands

  • Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Phú
  • Nguyễn Văn Nhật
Keywords: Cultural tourism, Central Highlands Gong, satisfaction, tourists.


The objective of the study is to evaluate the factors affecting the satisfaction of the Gong cultural tourism in the Central Highlands. The model identifies six factors: facilities, tourism infrastructure, service prices, indigenous culture, transportation, natural resources, and human factors. Data were collected through questionnaires by interviewing 298 tourists travelling to the Central Highlands Gong culture. Some tests are performed, including Cronbach's Alpha test, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) before performing model analysis. The results of the linear structural model (SEM) show that service prices, human factors and facilities, and tourism infrastructure have statistically significant positive impacts on the quality of tourism. The Gong culture in the Central Highlands and the quality of Gong cultural tourism in the Central Highlands positively influence tourists' satisfaction with the Central Highlands Gong cultural tourism. Based on the research results, the authors have proposed several management implications to improve tourists’ quality and satisfaction with the Central Highlands Gong cultural services.

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