Future challenges for higher education: Sustainable development

  • Phạm Hồng Quang
Keywords: creativity, educational environment, higher education, innovation, lecturers, sustainable development


Modernization, along with the advancement of science and technology, has made significant advances in all aspects of social life, including education. The advancement of society, culture, political economy, artificial intelligence, and so on has placed a high demand on human resources in order to meet the demands of the knowledge economy and international integration. Because of this, higher education plays an important and noble role, but it also faces numerous challenges. Higher education must recognize and cope with challenges in order to fulfill its mission, have a long-term vision, and develop sustainably. This article clarifies the nature and mission of higher education; challenges for teaching staff; higher education environment standards; and solutions for the long-term development of higher education.

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Phạm Hồng Quang

Đại học Thái Nguyên

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