Actual situation of self-assessment activities management according to educational quality accreditation standards at public preschools in Hoc Mon district, Ho Chi Minh City

  • Thuy Hong, Nguyen Thi
  • Khanh Trang, Truong Viet
Keywords: Management status, self-assessment activities, educational accreditation standards, public preschools, Hoc Mon district


Self-assessment activities according to educational quality accreditation standards (Education Accreditation) that play a role in improving the quality of education in preschools have been identified as effective solutions which help maintain and improve the quality of education. The article presents the current situation of self-assessment activity management according to the standards of educational quality accreditation in a public preschool in Hoc Mon district, Ho Chi Minh City

Tác giả

Thuy Hong, Nguyen Thi

Master student of Sai Gon University

Khanh Trang, Truong Viet

Doctor of Sai Gon University

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