Multi-criteria evaluation method in selecting construction materials suppliers using AHP and MOORA methods

  • Sy Do Tien
  • Say Nguyen Dang
  • Viet Nguyen Thanh
Keywords: Construction, Materials suppliers, Multi-criteria, AHP, MOORA


This paper introduces a multi-criteria evaluation method for selecting construction material suppliers by combining two methods: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Multi-Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis (MOORA). The AHP method is used to determine the relative weights of criteria, while MOORA is applied to rank and prioritize suppliers based on their performance. This combined approach provides a systematic and comprehensive approach to supplier selection in construction, enabling smarter and more reliable decision-making. A case study in the construction industry was conducted, and the results showed that the AHP-MOORA method improves accuracy and efficiency in supplier selection. The application of this method contributes to knowledge in supplier selection and provides valuable insights for industry experts in construction.

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