Zooplankton composition and diversity in Da Nang Gulf in 2022

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Keywords: Phytoplankton, biodiversity, Da Nang Bay.


In Da Nang Bay, a total of 127 species have been identified, belonging to 48 genera, 32 families, 22 orders, 3 classes, 3 phylum phytoplankton (TVPD), in which the Silic algae (Bacillariophyta) has 85 species accounting for the proportion. the rate of 66.93%, the phylum Pyrrophyta has 40 species, accounting for 31.5%, and the phylum Cyanobacteria has 02 species, accounting for 1.57%. In terms of distribution, on average, each station appeared more than 39 species per sample station, of which the most were at sample station TVPD 67 and TVPD 90 with 56 species, followed by TVPD 107, TVPD 119 and TVPD 240 with 55 species. species; The lowest was at the sample station TVPD 30 and TVPD 136 with 22 species, followed by TVPD 23, TVPD 35 and TVPD 124 with 24 species. In terms of occurrence frequency, it shows that Dinophysis caudata species has the highest occurrence frequency among phytoplankton species at 189/250, followed by Dinophysis miles with 182/250 occurrence frequency and the lowest is Diploneis bombus species. and Amphiprora gigantea with a frequency of 1/250, followed by Chaetoceros siamense, Protoperidinium angustum, Trichodesmium erythraeum and Trichodesmium thiebauti with a frequency of 2/250. The results of the calculation of the biodiversity index show that this area has an average level of biodiversity, and the species composition is less diverse and rich (H' = 2.39). Diversity value index Dv of phytoplankton is low, indicating average diversity and normal sea water quality (Dv = 1.43).

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