Promoting Vietnamese vegetable exports to Japan

  • thi hoa hong nguyen
Keywords: Japan, vegetables, market, Vietnam, export


Vietnam’s vegetable industry made breakthroughs in 2017. It is the fastest growing export item among agricultural and aquatic products and is expected to set a record in 2018. Fruits and vegetables of Vietnam have gradually affirmed the quality, conquering difficult markets such as USA, Japan, EU, Canada, Australia, New Zealand…in addition to traditional markets. According to Vietnam Fruit and Vegetables Association, in 2017, vegetable exports to Japan reached 127.2 million USD, up to 69.3% compared to 2016. This is the highest growth in the top 10 export markets of Vietnam vegetables and fruits, and only second to China. However, Japan accounted for only 3.63% of the total value of Vietnam’s fruit and vegetable exports, far surpassing Chinese market (accounting for 75.7%). Proportion for Vietnam’s vegetables and fruits were alsosmall in the total of nearly USD 9 billion of Japan’s vegetables and fruits imports in 2017. Therefore, the article is to discover the situation of Vietnam’s fruit and vegetable exports to Japan, on which basis to propose the solutions to increase the export of vegetables and fruits of Vietnam to meet the requirements of this fastidious market. 

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